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Gree Haier and other home appliance giants returned to work, and Midea had 83,000 attendance

  • 时间: 2020-07-29
  • 阅读量:3199

On February 20, Midea Group announced: up to now, 33 production bases in China have all resumed work except hubei province. Among them, Shunde factory, the headquarters of Midea Group, was the first to start the battle to resume work and production. Meanwhile, the company is coordinating with the Government of Jingzhou City, Hubei Province to actively promote the resumption of work on February 21. Midea said that none of the 83,000 employees who returned to work had been confirmed and that the aim was to basically resume normal production by the end of February.

It is understood that in the next two weeks, midea Group will fully promote the transfer of factory staff back to the factory. Among them, guangdong province will arrange a special high-speed train to Sichuan on February 23, and some seats will be given to employees returning to the US. From February 19, Midea Group will send special rehire messages to former factory colleagues, welcoming them back. Midea, meanwhile, is discussing other measures to boost staff recruitment and ensure production.

When a large enterprise returns to work, it needs the effective cooperation of the supply chain upstream and downstream to produce smoothly. Midea group said that on February 10, when midea resumed production, the Shunde district government took the initiative to use government data to match more than 40 of midea's core suppliers to resume production at the same time as Midea. At the same time, the Government of Shunde district continued to coordinate the upstream suppliers to resume production quickly, requiring the town and street to arrange specially-assigned persons to guide the resumption of work and on-site inspection, and the inspection was approved on the same day, so as to ensure the rapid and safe resumption of work of enterprises.


Up to now, there are about 450 suppliers in Shunde, and all of them have resumed work, which greatly ensures the delivery of overseas orders on time and reduces the risk of corporate default.

It is understood that the overall recovery rate of midea suppliers in Guangdong province is 92%, that of suppliers in Anhui province is 93% and that of suppliers in Jiangsu province is 88%.


On February 20, a source from Haier Zhijia said: except for three factories in Wuhan, the rest of Haier Zhijia factories have resumed production on February 10. At present, Haier's cold industry line, washing industry line, air conditioning industry line, water heater industry, kitchen electricity industry line are all expected to reach the end of February.

It is understood that in addition to the orderly outbreak prevention and resumption of work in domestic factories, Haier's overseas market is also actively mobilizing the global supply chain system, to ensure the capacity of global customers supply. At present, the overall guarantee rate of Haier's orders in overseas markets is over 90%, which can basically guarantee the delivery of orders from overseas customers.

Haier think explains, overseas orders are so high, the security of the localization on the one hand, localization is based on local research and development, manufacturing, and marketing of the "trinity" localization layout, the overseas orders is more than sixty percent by overseas local factory production, this part of the order are enforced in February to 99.8%, basic guarantee the supply orders for overseas clients. In addition, less than 40 per cent of the remaining overseas orders are exported from China, and while there is a gap in these orders, an orderly return to work at home is rapidly removing the factors affecting deliveries.

It is understood that the overall recovery rate of midea suppliers in Guangdong province is 92%, that of suppliers in Anhui province is 93% and that of suppliers in Jiangsu province is 88%.

On February 20, a source from Haier Zhijia said: except for three factories in Wuhan, the rest of Haier Zhijia factories have resumed production on February 10. At present, Haier's cold industry line, washing industry line, air conditioning industry line, water heater industry, kitchen electricity industry line are all expected to reach the end of February.

It is understood that in addition to the orderly outbreak prevention and resumption of work in domestic factories, Haier's overseas market is also actively mobilizing the global supply chain system, to ensure the capacity of global customers supply. At present, the overall guarantee rate of Haier's orders in overseas markets is over 90%, which can basically guarantee the delivery of orders from overseas customers.

Haier think explains, overseas orders are so high, the security of the localization on the one hand, localization is based on local research and development, manufacturing, and marketing of the "trinity" localization layout, the overseas orders is more than sixty percent by overseas local factory production, this part of the order are enforced in February to 99.8%, basic guarantee the supply orders for overseas clients. In addition, less than 40 per cent of the remaining overseas orders are exported from China, and while there is a gap in these orders, an orderly return to work at home is rapidly removing the factors affecting deliveries.

Epidemic prevention work in place, healthy and orderly resumption of work

In response to the problems that will be faced by the resumption of work, each enterprise has come up with a detailed epidemic prevention plan. Take Haier as an example. Before resuming work, 70 scenes were screened out to deduce the possible agglomeration of employees under different scenes, and 405 factors were deduced to reduce the agglomeration rate. After the official resumption of work, Haier distributed masks to employees twice a day, and some positions even distributed masks that could be used for several days a day. It also used thermal imaging to measure temperature and remote working system to prevent and control the epidemic.

In the aspect of establishing epidemic prevention awareness, Haier compiles epidemic prevention manuals and precautions for epidemic prevention, and propagandisses and trains every employee every day. For the protection of epidemic prevention materials, reserve the usage amount of epidemic prevention for employees for 10 days in advance, and start the subsequent 8-14 days of rolling reserve; Before the resumption of work, 70 scenes were screened out, situations where employees might gather under different scenes were deduced, and targeted solutions and avoidance were made. In terms of logistics support, from bus ride to park entry, from dining to meeting, from office to travel, from material preparation to public disinfection, carry out pre-screening and field exercise to ensure the safety, health and orderly resumption of work of employees.

Zhou Houjian, hisense's chairman, and Jia Shaoqian, hisense's President, said in an open letter to hisense employees that they are fully prepared to return to work to ensure their health. Hisense Group began to notify all companies to step up the storage of necessary protective materials before the festival, and made use of hisense's global channel resources in the United States, Mexico, Japan, Israel, Slovenia and Indonesia to purchase masks enough to ensure the resumption of work of more than 70,000 employees in China and distribute them. At the same time, under the unified deployment of the group, each company and each park also formulated detailed and rigorous prevention and control plans and carried out training exercises in advance, implemented the off-peak commute policy, canteen "gaokaon-style" dining and unified catering, etc., so as to ensure that employees can complete their work in a safe and assured working environment.

The original link: https://www.xianjichina.com/special/detail_440501.html sources: xian set net


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