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Overview of wire and cable identification techniques

  • Time: 2020-07-28
  • Reading:3092

1. Improve the awareness of brand identification, and choose and buy cables with regular brand identification. The cable package is usually marked with brand or manufacturer, address, contact information, 3C certification number and quality commitment card, etc.

2. Carefully observe the surface of the wire and cable. The conductor of a good quality wire and cable should be wrapped in the center of the insulator. The surface of the insulator should be shiny and uniform in outside diameter.

3. Pay attention to the elasticity of the insulator. A good insulator has a certain elasticity when the wire and cable are peeled, and it is not easy to crack, while a poor one is easy to tear or scratch.

4. Compared with the core color, good quality wires and cables have high copper content and bright golden color; Dark red color and even black surface burr may be recycled copper scrap, a poor quality.

5, pay attention to the cable bending, good wire cable copper core soft bending, poor wire cable bending times rarely easy to break.

6, test its flame retardation, good wire and cable in the flame left immediately extinguished, and the poor will continue to burn when the flame left.

The above methods are the basic skills to identify the good and bad quality of wire and cable products. Of course, in the fight against fake technology there are more identification skills, in this advocate the vast number of consumers in the protection of their rights and interests at the same time, more is to master some identification skills, so as not to be fooled. It is also necessary for the national government to strengthen anti-counterfeiting efforts, take more effective measures to prevent unqualified products from going on the market, so as to control the market problems, and create a good market environment for comprehensive cabling, so as to protect the rights and interests of consumers.


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